Constance Festival Culinary 2023
4/12/23, 3:28 PM
Constance Festival Culinaire: a Mauritius la sfida tra stellati Michelin | Cook
in which starred chefs and pastry chefs will discuss with colleagues and guests of Constance Hotels & Resorts. In line with previous years, the program includes a series of competitions, for a total of four races . Bernard Loiseau and Pierre Hermé , big names in French gastronomy and pastry, will once again be linked to the event with two dedicated awards. There will also be eight special dinners and three masterclasses at Constance Belle Mare Plage and Constance Prince Maurice.
The evidence
a cura di CONSORZIO TUTELA VI DELLE VENEZIE Pinot Grigio del Nordest, ambas del vino italiano nel mondo
In the two events « Deutz Trophy » and « Bernard Loiseau Trophy » six « Constance Chefs » from the resorts of Mauritius, the Maldives and the Seychelles will cook with six chefs with one Michelin star . Among these is also Riccardo Gaspari of the starred restaurant «SanBrite» in Cortina d'Ampezzo. In addition to him there will be the starred Alain Bianchin of the «Maison Alain Bianchin», Christopher Haatuft of «Lysverket restaurant», Mark Kempson of «Kitchen W8», Romuald Fassenet of «Château Mont Joly» and Thomas Wohlfeld of «Handwerk restaurant».
Richard Gaspari
The jury The jury for both trophies will be composed, among others, of Bérangère Loiseau (vice-president of Bernard Loiseau), Patrick Bertron (chef of the 2 Michelin star «Relais Bernard Loiseau»), Orjan Johanessen (winner of the Bocuse D'Or in 2015) , Laurent Petit (chef of the «Clos des Sens», 3 Michelin Stars in France) and chef Sascha Kemmerer (winner of the Constance Culinary Festival in 2019 and in the 2022 star edition). The pastry shop and the great French pastry chefs The Pierre Hermé Trophy will instead be the test dedicated to pastry . Constance Hotels and Resorts will once again collaborate with Valrhona , the famous French premium chocolate brand. Participants will be able to use the new Constance Dark Chocolate 68%, a dark chocolate composed of 68% cocoa, which reveals intense fruity notes and spicy favors. The competition will be chaired by Pierre Hermé , one of the great masters of sophisticated French pastry and World's Best Pastry Chef in 2016. As contestants for the 2023 editionsix great masters of French haute patisserie have been selected who will work in collaboration with as many pastry chefs from six Constance properties to create desserts and appetizing innovations: Jéremy Aspa (Pâtissier trainer at Ecole Valrhona), Jérôme de Oliveira (Maison Jerome de Oliveira) , Mathieu Kamm (Pâtisserie Kamm), Pascal Lac (Pâtisseries Lac), Sébastien Bouillet (Chocolatier Bouillet) and Cédric Pernot (Au Fidèle Berger).… 2/7
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