8/8/23, 1:48 PM

C Kite Festival | Mauritius | Thril

The C Kite Festival is not just a sporting event, it is also a celebration of the kite art trend that has been making waves around the world! Over the past 30 years, kitesurfng has become one the world’s most popular water sports, rolling speed, balance, and a dash of adrenaline into a thrilling spectacle of skill and resilience.

CMauritius is thrilled to be a part of this wave!

Get ready for a wave of

excitement, because the C Kite Festival is not just hosted by any ordinary team. We are pulling out all the stops with former kitesurf world champ, TV host and onboard reporter for 2023 Ocean Race, Antoine Auriol! The festival promises participants a ‘dive-in headfrst’ experience where they can immerse themselves in exhilarating kitesurfng sessions. The participants will also be treated to live demos by the world’s top kite surfers that promises to be a feast for the eyes!

Headlining this year’s professional list are:

Youri Zoon – 2x World Champion & 2x World vice Champion powered by Brunotti

Victor Hays – Pro Kiteboarder

Paul Serin – French Champion and Big Air Pro

TomHebert – 2x Vice World Champion

Hay Katz – holder of the 9.0 best score 1 trick – big air, 3x Silver & 2x Bronze Israel champion

Arthur Guillebert – Freestyle Kite surfer. World champion 2021. 2x European champion 2014 15

The C Kite festival is also thrilled to welcome an impressive list of VIP guests such as:



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