Off the water it was a packed itinerary too, with a marquee erected on the beach and populated by local Mauritian com panies showcasing the very best food and drink from the is land, supported by an impressive entertainment schedule, with live music every night. The highlight of this was the live saxophonist Yarden Saxophone who blew the crowd away, and also ensured that there wasn’t anyone on the beach too early the following morning… On the culinary front, there was a street food evening, a seafood buffet, and MasterChef champion Thomas Frake cooking up his “Signature Burger” to ensure that everyone’s protein intake was sufficient. The hospitality overall was next-level and – if you have traveled around the island – you will know that it is not just turned on for hotel guests: Mau ritius is one of the smiliest and friendliest countries you will ever visit. To be honest though, if I lived there I don’t think I would stop smiling either… THE SPOT C Mauritius is just under an hour from the airport. The ho tel has a great vibe and, over the course of a few days, you’ll be on first name terms with most of the staff and feel very much part of the family. It’s not a huge hotel so you never feel lost and, most importantly, you’re never really out of sight of the beach… They are justifiably proud of their hotel and of the spot and they want to welcome more and more kiters. For the kiting, a croissant’s throw from your buffet break fast there is plenty of space to rig up, as well as the East Kite School which has a full complement of Airush gear for rent and for lessons. The spot just out-front offers perfect flatwa ter conditions. The wind throughout our stay was between 14 and 25 knots blowing right-to-left with some rocks upwind providing some shelter and butter flat conditions for freesty lers. The tidal range is relatively small, leaving the sandbank in the middle of the lagoon around waist deep on low tide. Overall, it is a genuinely perfect spot for twintip riding and you’re unlikely to be sharing it with more than a handful of other kiters… “Kitesurfing Nirvana” is an overused term, but this really is it. ■


Above: Who knows, maybe tandem riding will become a recognised GKA discipline?!

Right Top: The pro judging the amateur competition.

Right Bottom: MasterChef winner Thomas Frake earning his airfare. The burgers were insane...




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