7/24/23, 9:40 AM

At the CKite festival in Mauritius I discovered the fire, and two Israeli stars Time out

At the CKite festival in Mauritius I discovered the f re , and two Israeli stars

We sent Time Out reporter Liron Roddick to the CKite festival in Mauritius to catch some air and watch surfboards flying , but he insisted on returning with a story about two Israelis who are doing us international honor - with the surfboard or with the saxophone

By Liron Roddick

July 21 , 2023

While we in Israel are busy with demonstrations against the government , somewhere in the Indian Ocean , between Madagascar and India , he

organi z ed a kitesur f ng festival - a form of sur f ng in which you use a parachute attached to a harness and use only the power of the wind to

move , jump and perform breathtaking stunts . The former world champion in kitesur f ng , Antoine Oriol , organi z ed an entire festival whose entire

purpose is to connect people around the sport . For this purpose , he recruited a world - wide panel of judges that includes the French surfer Victor

Hayes , Sou f an Khomeini from Morocco , and even an Israeli representative - Chai Kat z , who won second and third places in the national

. competitions , including the competition ' s best trick award

Stunts and antics at the CKite Festival . Photo : Sarah Hayward

During my visit to the festival , hosted by C Resorts , I felt how important the emphasis on integrating di f erent people from di f erent cultures was

to Oriol . In the conversation I had with him , he also explained to me why : " What I like in life is the diversity , to meet people who can inspire me

and through di f erent cultures you can meet ama z ing people . For example , Sou f an comes from Morocco and has a di f erent spirit because he is

from the desert , and I think if you bring a lot of di f erent energies together then there is a combination and a new energy comes out of that and

". that is what I love so much about the festival

Mauritius is the most suitable destination for this , because after all the island itself contains many di f erent cultures . In Mauritius there are f ve

di f erent religions , and they all live with each other there without many problems . enviable . Even the food there is in f uenced by cuisines

belonging to the countries that ruled Mauritius before its independence , and the sense of unity at the festival only developed that way . The

festival , which until last year took place in the south , moved to its new location at the C Mauritius Hotel under the branding CKite Festival , where I

. was also a guest

Float above the water at the CKite festival . Photo : Sarah Hayward

The hotel is located in the east of the island , and although the sea is calm and there are no waves , the winds are stormy - and that ' s all the surfers

need . The motto is " arrive as a guest , leave as a friend " and from the f rst moment this was the feeling , even at the performances and special

events their presence was felt , in the best sense . The hotel that belongs to the Mauritanian group Constance - is very large , but also co z y and

gives a very young feeling . The other hotels of the same group are luxury luxury hotels , so this hotel feels like a very upgraded resort , and the

impression I got is that the employees really love and appreciate their workplace , especially after the damage they su f ered as a result of the

. corona virus , and their love for the place has a positive e f ect on the service experience

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