7/24/23, 9:40 AM
At the CKite festival in Mauritius I discovered the fire, and two Israeli stars Time out
? Hey , big brother , isn ' t it about time we talked a little about horny in this house
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The uniqueness of the festival is not the emphasis on the professional surfers - they just sit on the judging panel - but the amateurs who compete
among themselves . They did however give a few demo rides , including one session that starts at the hotel and goes to a further north point on the
island , where we waited and were greeted . I had the privilege of seeing Chai Kat z take the surfboard o f his feet while he was in the air , then run
barefoot on the water , and continue sur f ng as if it was not a miracle that was reserved only for Jesus . Antoine Oriol also showed his abilities , but it
was very important to him to give the proper place to the amateur surfers who later competed among themselves in the stunt competition of the
festival . The f rst competition was the o f cial one and then there was a competition that was conducted as a sort of " open stage " in which anyone
could participate , and it was there that the big surprise was when a 15 - year - old boy named Oscar - who was at the festival a year ago and was
. considered only a beginner - dropped everyone ' s jaws with the impressive exercises he did
Jesus Christ . Chai Kat z walks on water . Photography : Thomas Ligonnet
More than the young winner , I was surprised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports ' lack of recognition of the pair of Israelis who appeared : the
surfer Chai Kat z and the musician Jordan Saxophone , each of them impressive in their f eld . After each dinner there was a show at the hotel , but
the best was de f nitely Jordan . I ' m not usually one to dance , but at this show there wasn ' t a single one who didn ' t dance . At the climax of the
. show , half of the people in the audience went up on stage to pick Jordan up and crowdsurf her , so Kat z wouldn ' t be the only Israeli surfer
These two Israelis did not receive any recognition from the Ministry of Culture and Sports , which did not even bother to contact them . The
organi z ers of the festival located them purely because of their reputation and talent , but where is the support ? Where is the marketing of Israeli
athletes and musicians who represent Israel around the world ? This is precisely why there is the Ministry of Culture and Sports , which should take
care of both . Luckily for us , the Israeli government ' s lack of recognition did not prevent them from giving impressive performances full of exciting
moments , whether it was seeing Chai Kat z jump over the small motor boat I was on and doing somersaults in the air or whether it was the
. electrifying performance of Jordan Saxophone on the second night of the festival
No less a surfer than all the rest . Jordan saxophone . Photo : The Shark , @ iyahia 555
Now it is not the tourist season in Mauritius , now the weather is winter , and the summer will not start until September , but it seems that Hotel C
Mauritius and Antoine Oriol have found a way to use the winter winds of the island , just as the surfers use the wind to f ip through the air and
pave their way through the water . The festival itself can be a paradise for Israeli surfers who want to compete , but non - surfers can also enjoy the
adrenaline and even try windsur f ng , as I tried . Although I f ew a hundred meters forward in the air in a lack of control , I also reali z ed how
complex , interesting and exciting this sport is . In our conversation , Antoine told me , " I say that kitesur f ng is a sport that communicates with all the
elements of nature : there is obviously the air , there is the earth because you start from the earth and return to the earth , there is the water of the
. sea , and there is the f re that burns in you when you are full of adrenaline ." That ' s exactly how I felt throughout the festival
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