Pressbook Constance Festival Culinary 2024
3/20/24, 9:03 AM
Constance Festival Culinaire 2024: what's new from the 17th edition
Great Kitchen Constance Festival Culinaire 2024, Fabrizio Fiorani also at the 17th edition Home ❯ News ❯ Great Cuisine
February 2024
For the first time the Constance Pastry Competition opens to Italy: Fabrizio Fiorani of the Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italiani exceptional coach. The 2024 Constance Culinaire Festival returns to Mauritius . Ts t ha res wo ef liln- kt enronwa tni ognaasl t rcouni soimn ei cf reovme nat l ol fo vt heer It hn ed iwa no rOl dc eaat nt h, ef r oCmo nFs trai dnacye 8B et ol l eS aMt uarrdeaPy l a1 g6 eMa na dr c thh e2 0C2o4n,s twa ni lcl eb rPi rnign ct oe gMe tahuerri ct he eo f tNhoewCoinnsittsan1c7ethHyoetealrs, t&heRfeesstoirvtaslgwroilulpo.nce again see Michelin-starred chefs and renowned Pastry Chefs teaming up with chefs fTrhoemcvoamripoeutistiCoonns sotfanthcee CHoontesltsan&ceRFeessotritvsapl rCoupleirntiaeisrein20M24auritius as well as the Maldives and Seychelles. TMhiecheedliitniosntaprsroamt tihseesMtoaibseonhiMghalrycaotntrianctSivaeinat-lsBootnhnaentk-Ls et-oFtrhoeidn.ew collaboration with the French chef Régis Marcon, 3 CTrhoepfhMy a. rcon will be part of the jury of the culinary competition which, not surprisingly, will be called the Régis Marcon Ac osmepveetriyt i oy ne sa rs, uhcohwaesvtehre, tDh ee uCt zo nTsrtoapnhc ye F, tehset i vPai el rCr eu lHi near imr eé pTr roogpr ha my awn di l lt hoef fJear rms Au lrtti polfe t ehve eTnat sb,l ei nTcrl ou pd hi nyg . o t h e r m a i n FI na bprairztiioc uFl ai or ,r at hn ei ccooanct he sat tdtehdei cPai teerdr et oH pe ar ms t réyTmr oapkhi ny g( Cwoi lnl sst ae ne caen Pi ma s pt royr tCa no tmI pt aeltiiat ni o pn r) e s e n c e . Fmoark ti hn eg fci or smt pt i emt iet i, ot nh ewsiilxl bp ea sgt ruyi dcehde fbsy wc oo rakc ihnegs iwn ht ho ewCi lol ncsot amnec et or eMs oarut rs i tai nu ds fpraormt i cdi pi faftei rnegn it np tahr et s Poife rt hr ee Hweorrml dé. T r o p h y p a s t r y Representing our nation will be Fabrizio Fiorani , internationally recognized pastry consultant and AMPI Master. The jury of the Constance Pastry Competition is chaired by Pierre Hermé , who has participated in the event since 2016. T– hJeeainntMernicahtieol nPaelrpruacsthroync–heMfsewillheourwOilul vshriaerredteheFirraknncoew, Fleradngceewith Constance pastry chefs are: –– OGperhmélaiienBDaerècsre–toPna–strPyasCtrhyefC, hFerfanLcee Jules Verne, France –– LMoakr cHDi nu Yc oabmu –– EP xâ teics us et irvi ee DP ausct or yb uC, hBe ef ,l gCi uh mi n a –AsFawbirtihzitoheFoiothraenric–om20p1e9titAiosnias',stBheesatwPaarsdtsryceCrheemf,oIntyaliys scheduled during the final event on March 16th. Top: the 2023 edition
edited by SZ
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