Constance Festival Culinary 2023

4/13/23, 1:56 PM

Constance Festival Culinaire 2023, for Italy in Mauritius there is Riccardo Gaspari - Italia a Tavola

Bernard Loiseau Trophy Pierre Herme Trophy Art of the table Trophy



Deutz Trophy and Bernard Loiseau Trophy Six " Constance Chefs" from resorts in Mauritius, the Maldives and the Seychelles cook with six 1 Michelin Star chefs who have come from all over Europe to participate in the event. Among these stands out the Italian Riccardo Gaspari of the starred restaurant SanBrite in Cortina d'Ampezzo (Bl). Born in 1985, after an important experience in Osteria Francescana together with Massimo Bottura, chef Riccardo Gaspari opens SanBrite in 2017 . Humble and perfectionist, he chooses to lighten the Ampezzo recipes while maintaining their favors and identity, to tell the tradition according to his vision of him. His cuisine is regenerative, authentic and sustainable. He pays absolute attention to raw materials , through research and love. He enhances the excellence of his mountain land with innovation and experimentation, giving life to harmonious and surprising creations. The couples formed by a local chef and a starred chef are giving life to culinary masterpieces, experiencing a week of learning and collaboration to reach the fnal evening, when the winners will be declared. Skill, savoir-faire and passion are at the service of a haute cuisine aimed at enhancing the culinary traditions of Mauritius and its ingredients.

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Richard Gaspari. Photo: Giuseppe Ghedina

The 1 Michelin star guest chefs are:

Alain Bianchin , Maison Alain Bianchin (Belgium) Christopher Haatuft , Lysverket restaurant, Bergen (Norway) Mark Kempson , Kitchen W8, London, (UK) Riccardo Gaspari , Restaurant SanBrite, Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy) Romuald Fassenet , Château Mont Joly, Jura (France) Thomas Wohlfeld , Handwerk restaurant, Hanover (Germany)

The jury of both trophies is composed, among others, of Bérangère Loiseau (Vice President of Bernard Loiseau), Patrick Bertron (Chef of the 2 Michelin star Relais Bernard Loiseau), Orjan Johanessen (winner of the Bocuse D'Or in 2015), Laurent Petit (chef of the 3 Michelin Star Clos des Sens in France) and chef Sascha Kemmerer (winner of the Constance Culinary Festival in 2019 and in the star edition of 2022).

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